Good review
I play trombone so I only use bass clef. So something I would have an easier time learning if i had no clue any notes on any cleff, the "AFDBG" thing, make like a sentence that makes sense. "awesome flying dogs bug Germans?
Good review
I play trombone so I only use bass clef. So something I would have an easier time learning if i had no clue any notes on any cleff, the "AFDBG" thing, make like a sentence that makes sense. "awesome flying dogs bug Germans?
It's meant to be read from bottom to top, I guess I didn't make that clear. I'll fix that.
That was actually pretty cool!
The only thing that could be better was the few voices. Or maybe you should exclude them all together and just use motions that show what they are saying. I really liked it though!
I laughed at all the luigi things.
WEEGEE. Also how come I wasnt aware of you making this? Congrats of FP though
I dunno, JonBro shoulda toldja. Anyway, thanks alot Karsh! :D
twas epic
Yeah I'm glad I rented that game and not buyiong it. It woulda ruined my day.
I loved it.
The voices were my only problem. AND WHY WEREN'T THERE ANY "HEY,LISTEN"s? lol. Pikachu made me laugh so hard. Good job. A second one would own.
oh... i will add some of HEY LISTEN sometime in the future
I don't know what to give this.
I like the idea. It seemed boring. If there was more it would be fine. The "again?" button bothered me. Either my eyes are getting worse or it was blurred. If it was blurred it made it look worse.
I'm all for family guy but
Nice job 2nd.
Again just like in the old thread, I liked it, but it doesn't deserve a 5. I actually get to see the real thing this time. Good job.
Hey, thanks man.
A school student
Joined on 7/23/08